The NSW container deposit scheme and Woolworths
Drink containers make up almost half the volume of litter in NSW. The state's largest litter reduction scheme, Return and Earn, started on 1 December 2017 to help reduce more [...]
Powerful Owl chick
The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) is a species of owl native to south-eastern and eastern Australia, and is the largest owl in the country. Powerful Owls are classified as Threatened. [...]
Maintenance of gutters and storm water drains in Avalon
Recently APA wrote to Council regarding the current unsatisfactory state of drains and gutters in Avalon Beach. See our Letter to NBC gutter maintenance. Council replied in an email: "In [...]
Council’s bulky goods clean up policies
Council currently has two different bulky goods clean up policies, one for the former Warringah LGA (two scheduled per year across the LGA) and one for the former Manly & [...]
Northern Beaches Coastal Walkway
On 21 December 2017 Rob Stokes announced almost $3 million in NSW Government funding for a shared walking and cycling pathway to better link Avalon Beach, Bilgola Beach and Newport. [...]
Edmund Hock Lane & Woolworths
Since at least 2010, APA has been concerned by what we consider inappropriate use by Woolworths of Edmund Hock Lane, which is located between Woolworths and the Shell Service Station. [...]
Using Keoride to start and end your Bline trip
Transport for NSW has commenced the trial of an on demand connection service to and from the Bline terminus at Mona Vale, Keoride. Keoride is an Uber-like car pick up [...]
DA 96-104 Cabarita Road
Demolition of old cottage 96 Cabarita Road. A cottage on the large “Marara” 3-lot subdivision estate overlooking Careel Bay, has been demolished under NBC demolition certificate CDC0234/16. There does not [...]
Illegal tree loppers
BEWARE! Illegal tree loppers are around. They knock on doors asking if residents would like trees cut down for cash around Avalon, Bilgola Plateau and perhaps elsewhere. Recently their vehicle [...]
Northern Beaches Walking Plan
Northern Beaches Council (NBC) is developing a footpath plan which will guide the delivery of its future footpath program. NBC is seeking your help to identify missing links within the [...]
NBC Delivery Program 2018-21
The NBC Delivery Program 2018-21 will define the program of works and services that Council will deliver during their 3-year term to address their vision for the Northern Beaches (a [...]
DA 69-71 Central Road
This DA N0512/17 proposes the demolition of existing dwellings on 69 & 71 Central Road and construction of a 12 unit Seniors Living development with basement parking, landscaping and strata subdivision. Lodged: [...]
Pittwater Waterway Review
As part of the Pittwater Waterway Review Stage 2, NBC is preparing a Strategy document which will go on public exhibition. The Strategy will be based on the Discussion Paper [...]
Palm Beach Walkway
The new Palm Beach Walkway runs from Palm Beach Wharf car park, ending at the intersection of Barrenjoey and Beach Roads. The walkway consists of concrete footpaths and elevated boardwalk [...]