APA committee members have participated in several meetings with B-line staff over the past few months, along with representatives from Palm Beach and Whale Beach Association, Clareville and Bilgola Plateau Resident’s Association and Newport Resident’s Association.
Our focus has been on transport services north of Mona Vale, and the outcome has been very unsatisfactory, with no effective recognition of the wishes of people from this area, despite our four associations lodging detailed proposals. One further meeting was held with more senior TransportforNSW staff in November, at which APA and the 3 other associations representing residents north of Mona Vale again presented clear and concise comments and improvements to the transport program. Officials have not committed to further action.
The B-line service and new bus timetable commenced on 26 November 2017 with reduced through services from Avalon to the city in off-peak hours, for example only one L90 service per hour, and four new services each hour to Manly (new route 199), which will require a change of buses for those needing to join the B-line.
Proposed Bline termination at Newport Beach
HOT OFF THE PRESS – BLine to stop at Mona Vale!
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has announced on 17 July 2018 that the Bline will not continue to Newport and so the roundabout at Neptune Road, which would have delayed traffic further, will not be built. APA wishes to congratulate the NRA, residents of Newport and the all the communities north of Newport who have worked to achieve this victory.
The next objective is to improve bus services for all communities north of Mona Vale, especially in non-peak hours, and we have been advised that new timetables are to be announced in September. TfNSW has noted they will now look at improving these services north of Mona Vale.
To achieve this result, Newport Resident’s Association held rallies, conducted a survey and delivered a large petition to Rob Stokes opposing this plan in its current form. This plan envisaged a roundabout being constructed where Neptune Road exits onto Barrenjoey Road, which is located at the bottom of the hill at the southern end of the Bilgola Bends. APA anticipates that this roundabout, which as proposed would carry several B-line buses each hour, may well result in additional delays for motorists leaving or driving to Avalon, especially in peak hours. We have written to Transport for NSW in support of a recent letter from Newport Resident’s Association to TfNSW. Our short letter says:
“We are aware of a letter recently sent to you by Newport Residents Association and wish to strongly support their comments and proposals. Since we met, together with other residents groups located north of Mona Vale, we have not seen any of the promised public consultation regarding extending the service to Newport.
We re-iterate that we have particular concerns about the proposal for a roundabout at Newport as we already suffer with the Barrenjoey Rd/Plateau Rd roundabout known universally, and for good reason , as Kamikazi corner. We do not need Kamikazi Two!
Surely the solution is straightforward, continue to TERMINATE THE SERVICE AT MONA VALE , as planned and established. We believe you will find there is massive support for this solution and minimal opposition and this wide community response should not be disregarded by TransportNSW.
P.O. Box 1
Avalon Beach 2107″
It is good to see that the community’s view has not been disregarded in this instance.
Revised bus timetables are downloadable here.
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