NBC is proposing to install a long series of steel barriers along the sides and on the median strip on Barrenjoey Road in the strip between Central Road and the traffic lights at Avalon Parade. The work would be paid for by the Federal government.
APA is very concerned at this proposal, which came out of the blue. Council says that the proposed installation is “in response to community concerns for pedestrian safety”. APA is unaware of any specific concern in the community regarding the strip covered by this proposal, and in a letter to Federal member for Mackellar Jason Falinski, we stated that “we are aware of only one, non-fatal, accident in the vicinity in recent years.” In his reply to APA, Mr Falinski advised his office had not proposed this work.
APA further said that “industrial style fencing more suited to Parramatta Road is completely out of character here. Fencing in the centre of the road would impede both the current movement of pedestrians walking to the town centre from east of the road and residents walking to the beach and surf club from the opposite direction”.
APA requested that this intrusive and unrequested project be abandoned and also asked all parties to consider “other options to maximise road safety at this location in consultation with the Avalon Beach community.” APA asked NBC which organisation originated this uncalled-for project and the NBC CEO has finally admitted it was the Council.
Comments to NBC closed Sunday 30 August 2020.
NBC has apparently listened to the welter of – presumably negative – resident reactions to this proposal. To quote from the recent announcement on the NBC Your Say website: “Based on community comments received we have decided to pause consultation until early next year to consider this proposal in the context of the broader Avalon area. The comments received will be kept on record and included in future consultation. If you have any questions, please contact Phil Devon, Manager Transport Network on 0466 136 560 or email NBC.

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