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Welcome to the website for the Avalon Preservation Association, also known as Avalon Preservation Trust. We are a not for profit volunteer community group incorporated under the NSW Associations Act, established over 50 years ago. We are committed to protecting your interests – to keeping guard over our natural and built environment throughout the Avalon area.

Membership of the association is open to all those residents and/or ratepayers of Avalon Beach and adjacent areas who support the aims and objectives of our Association.

In APA, we care for Avalon because we live here.


Our latest Bulletin 

Every two months APA circulates members with its latest Bulletin. A copy is also displayed on our notice board in fromt of Terry White Chemmart & there’s a QR link to the website on the community notice board outside the Avalon Recreation Centre. A copy is also kept in the Avalon Community Library.

Read Bulletin no. 120, featuring the AGM, new committee members needed, Meet the Candidates event, tree update, APA stand at Car Boot Sale.

STOP PRESS: update on the former Palm Beach Fish and Chip site. See the recent summary in Pittwater Online News, September 29 – October 27, 2024: Issue 635.

Careel Shopping Village to go?

Council has exhibited a development application DA2024/1091 to demolish the North Avalon shopping centre and replace it with a co-located 60-place child-care centre on top of a Dan Murphy’s retail liquor outlet! This outrageous combination will share the site. It is a gross over-development, out of character with the area, and completely against current research relating to exposure of youth to alcohol industry and the links between alcohol and domestic violence. The development seeks to replace a small scale local shopping centre comprising half a dozen food and other outlets with a site dominated by a large retail liquor chain.

For a comprehensive submission by planning consultant Bill Tulloch on behalf of a nearby resident, see here.  APA has made a submission on this development. Plans are on exhibition until 16 October, so please make a submission here.

Some local roads to get lower speed limit and traffic calming? – NBC proposal

Northern Beaches Council is proposing to introduce a 30km/h speed limit in some sections of the north Avalon to Palm Beach localities, east of but not including Barrenjoey Road. Beach See the maps and more information on the NBC webpage here.

Council is also proposing to install new infrastructure, including “kerb build outs”, traffic calming devices, and new lower speed limit signs. It is also “looking to add a raised pedestrian crossing at Whale Beach Road, near the intersection with Barrenjoey Road, and new street lighting”. 

A 10 kph zone on one block of Ocean Road south from Palm Beach Road to Ocean Place is also proposed.

The deadline for public submissions is Wednesday 6 November 2024. To make a submission, click here.

John Dengate to speak at APA 2024 Annual General Meeting

APA members and guests are invited to the APA Annual General Meeting in November. The AGM will begin promptly at 7.00pm on Thursday 7 November in the Bangalley Room of the Avalon Beach Surf Club. Our speaker this year will be Avalon Beach resident and well-known environmental advocate John Dengate.

John Dengate is a media naturalist and author who has presented wildlife and environmental items on radio and TV for over 30 years. His enthusiasm for wildlife has helped many people to discover what an amazing world we live in. He has written a range of books and articles on Australian natural history including the definitive guide to attracting birds to your backyard, items on natural pest control, and a wide variety of work on our fascinating wildlife.

He is a past councillor of Birdlife Australia and has led ecotourism activities in Australia and overseas. John’s working life has been with government conservation agencies, including the Australian Museum, the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the NSW EPA. After he retired from the position of Director of Public Affairs for the NSW Environment Dept. he received the Public Service Medal in recognition of his work.

1112 Barrenjoey Road (former general store) onsite conference with Land & Environment Court

DA2023/1289 for shoptop housing at 1112-1116 Barrenjoey Rd Palm Beach (the former general store site) was refused approval by Council and is now before the Land and Environment Court (LEC). An onsite Conciliation Conference by the LEC was held on Wednesday 24 July 2024. Both objectors and supporters (apart from the developers) were heard by the Commissioner. 

The community has indicated to the Court (as it did recently at 231 Whale Beach Road and 27 North Avalon Road) that there is major community concern with this type of development and that they are NOT in the public interest. 

Report a pothole

The recent rainy weather is causing some havoc on our road surfaces with potholes emerging on many roads across the area. Potholes are repaired by either Council or NSW government teams depending on their location.

Council-managed roads 

Council manages the local roads that are not major arterial corridors. If the pothole is on a  Council-managed road please report it so NBC can make sure it’s on the works schedule.   To report a local road pothole click here.  

 State-managed roads

Major roads are managed by the NSW Government and they are responsible for their maintenance, including repairing potholes. To see a list of these and to report a pothole click here.

Have your say on development applications

Anyone can submit comments to Northern Beaches Council to support or oppose a development application. These comments are called ‘submissions’. You can make a submission on any type of development application that is released for public comment.

Click here for further information on how to make a DA submission.


Avalon Beach Bike Facility

Vote on your preferred location: Des Creagh Reserve or Avalon Beach Reserve. APA supports the Avalon Beach Reserve proposal, adjacent to the current skate board site.

Comments close Sunday 11 August.  For more informaiton click here.



Modern architecture heritage study

The Council has received 105 community nominations of buildings from the Modernist period (ie post World War 2), that may be worthy of further investigation and possible heritage protection.

Nominations are being considered and potential property owners being contacted.

In early 2025 NBC will share the findings and seek Council approval to exhibit a list of properties.

For further information click here


Osprey Nesting Platform, Avalon Beach

Proposed construction of a pilot artificial nesting platform at Hitchcock Park

Ospreys have successfully taken up artificial nesting platforms at other locations in northern NSW and interstate. However, to date an artificial nesting platform designed for the osprey has not been attempted within the Greater Sydney Region. NBC is proposing to be the first Sydney Council to install an artificial nesting habitat for ospreys and to monitor its success.  Click here for further information. 

27-29 North Avalon Road: Land and Environment Court hearing onsite

A conciliation conference took place on 29 and 30 April 2024 before a Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court over this seniors living development across two residential blocks. 

The onsite hearing took place at 9:30am Monday 29 April 2024 opposite the site. After the Commissioner inspected the site and heard oral evidence from residents, the remainder of the proceedings was heard at the Land and Environment Court in Sydney. An APA committee member was there to hear the objections of local residents, which centred on the developer attempting to put aside compliance conditions to improve senior’s access to shops and public transport.

UPDATE September 2024: The Court has granted approval for this development, including modifications requested by the developer,  to proceed.

Proposed changes to parking near Avalon Public School do not address safety

Council has proposed changes to parking durations in Old Barrenjoey Road near Avalon Public School. Its project, which you can see here.  The preamble states “We have received a number of safety concerns from local residents and Avalon Public School about street safety and its impact on children, parents, carers and local residents”.

STOP PRESS: The Traffic Committee at its June 2024 meeting accepted the NBC recommendations, which include the parking restrictions but not the pedestrian crossings.

Large numbers of mostly primary school aged pedestrians must cross both Sanders Lane and The Crescent opposite twice each day. Council’s project contains no suggestion of a pedestrian crossing across Sanders Lane or The Crescent.  This a critical concern left unaddressed in the NBC proposal.

How will this project improve road safety for school students walking to school?

The School has carried out a data collection study of the area – please read it here. Its priority is for pedestrian crossings to be installed across Sanders Lane and The Crescent, to warn drivers of pedestrian activity.

APA remains convinced, with the School, that pedestrian crossings are what is essentially required to properly improve the road safety for students. We understand that crossings are being considered in a separate project. Stay tuned.


Proposed NSW government housing changes

Recently the NSW Government proposed an initiative to change planning laws to allow more housing in the metropolitan Sydney area, including the northern beaches.

These proposed changes will apply uniformly across these areas with no allowance for local differences. APA strongly opposes this broad-brush treatment, as does NBC and most other councils. 

Senior council planning officers briefed a meeting on Monday 19 February 2024 at the Avalon Recreation Centre. 

APA has made a submission opposing this policy.

For further information on the proposed changes click here




 Avalon Shared Space

NBC has surveyed residents to gain their impression and preliminary opinion on making the changes permanent. Council originally imposed a deadline for responses of 30 April, which APA advised does not allow sufficient time for consideration. NBC agreed to extend the deadline to 1st October 2023, and it has now extended this date to 28 February, 2024 to take account of the summer season.  

A community session with Council staff (on-site) was held on 21 September 2023. APA queried Council on how many parking spaces were finally lost due to relocation of the pedestrian crossings. APA was originally told by NBC that only 9 would go, but this is was due to the pedestrian crossings only.  A further 9 spaces will be lost in the Village, plus those lost when Transport for NSW made unnanounced changes in Barrenjoey Road.

Council has now considered survey responses and submissions and, at a recent Council meeting, approved the trial to become permanent and for a design study to be carried out for exhibition, leading to improving the installation, subject to funding

Trailers & boats parked on streets 

In 2021 the NSW Government introduced new laws – the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021 and regulations – that put accountability firmly on those responsible to do the right thing and remove their property quickly from public land.  These reforms were developed following widespread consultation with Councils, the public, industry groups, retailers, peak bodies and government agencies. The Act includes caravans, boat & other trailers, whether or not attached to a vehicle. The law forces owners to take responsibility for their vehicles and provides councils with stronger powers to rid our roads, footpaths, parks, bushland and waterways of abandoned and unattended property. 

The law commenced on 1 November 2022 and replaced the outdated Impounding Act 1993. Parking issues relating to trailers and boats should be reported to Council Rangers via Customer Service on 1300 434 434 for investigation.

Council’s Conservation Zone Review

Conservation Zones will form an integral part of the new Northern Beaches Council Local Environment Plan (LEP). APA made a submission regarding Council’s draft Conservation Zone review.  NBC referred submissions to the Dept of Planning which has (belatedly) replied that these zones should stay substantially as they are, so a victory for common sense!

Council has now finalised the Conservation Zones (C Zones) Review. This is based on final Department advice as well as extensive technical studies, community submissions, mapping accuracy review, and initial site visits.

Keep up to date via the LEP/DCP project page.


Conservation Zones C3 and C4, are important as they give local government and residents control over residential development in sensitive areas.  In contrast, areas zoned ‘Residential’ allow ‘Complying Developments’ to be built.  A ‘Complying Development’ does not need to be notified to the community and could compromise environmental values. Use the Councils online search tool to find out how the new zoning may affect you and your neighbours. 

CONCERNS with Council’s original draft review included:

–  the large number of properties to be transferred from Conservation Zones 4 and 3 (C4 and C3) zoning to ‘Residential’ zoning;

–  the low value or lack of value given to Biodiversity, Tree Canopy, Scenic Location, Cultural/Heritage and Risk (eg fire, flood, steepness); and

– the lack of definition of ‘Residential’ zone.

The NBC revisited its methodology and reworked the draft to take account of the 935 submissions, especially relating to wholesale rezonings from C4 to R2.  NBC’s discussions with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment regarding the methodology has resulted in agreement by the Department to retain zonings as is, a great result for the community.  See the NBC update here. See also the informative Pittwater online News articles here and here.

 Avalon place plan

NBC approved the Avalon Place Plan on 26 July 2022. The proposed terracing of Avalon Beach southern headland [draft p.74], which is currently a pleasant grassy headland behind the bus stop, will be revisited in the future with another “community consultation”.  This item is designated for implementation in the 5-10 year timeframe and will be investigated again prior to then. This overdesigned intrusion still has almost zero support in the community. The Council has deleted any cycle path, but plans to revisit the issue in the next year. In an article in the SMH of 25 July 2022 labels the APA Alternate Bike Plan as “undafe”, with no reasons or evidence given.  

Work on the shared streetspace in Old Barrenjoey Road north commenced in November 2022. For the NBC web page on this important issue click here; for the APA web page click here.


Avoid COVID-19 but stay connected to your friends and relations

Avalon Preservation Association advises members that COVID-19 is still with us. To help resist its spread, please wash your hands regularly, consider wearing a facemark at indoor venues and maintain physical distancing where appropriate.  It’s more important than ever to maintain your connection with friends and relatives.

The APA notice board

APA has a notice board in Avalon Beach Village. It is currently located on the southern wall between Terry White Chemmart (Herforts) and Belle Real Estate at 56 Old Barrenjoey Road (our thanks to both).  There is also a notice on the community noticeboard in Dunbar Park with a QR code to the website. Check the notice boards regularly to catch up with APA news in the Village, as we will change the contents regularly. We hope to have news re moving the noticeboard to a better location shortly.

Visit Current Issues & click on the Recent tab.

Check out our latest APA Bulletin here.

If you’re not an APA member already, why not make today the day you join the APA?

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