Our achievements
As Joni Mitchell sang in Big Yellow Taxi, “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone…”
Some of our achievements include:
preventing 150 hectares of Avalon being zoned for home units
opposing overdevelopment of the marina in Careel Bay
stopping commercial removal of sand from Avalon Dunes
lobbying for the creation of Angophora Reserve
successfully opposing overdevelopment of the Hamilton Estate (above the Bilgola Bends)
opposing overdevelopment of the Wentworth Estate in Hudson Parade (1999)
leading the opposition to the proposal to “straighten out the Bilgola bends”
initiating community workshops to develop a new Masterplan for our area
opposing amalgamation of Pittwater with other Councils
developing, with other Avalon organisations, a vision for Avalon to feed into the Avalon Place Plan.